Made by Brown Cycles of Grand Junction, Colorado!
Our KidzTandems have grown in popularity over the last few years. Brown Cycles designed the KidzTandem to provide a quality together-time bicycle for you and your youngsters to ride!
The adult controls – steering, braking, gearing from the back; allowing the child to pedal and enjoy the views of everything that’s coming up. This also allows you to see what they are up to and talk a lot more freely/insistently.
With Quick-change child seat, front of bike will accommodate a toddler 1-4 years old, with traditional bike seat a youngster 4-12 yrs old.
- Front rider limit – approx 100 lbs./ 5′ tall.
- 4130 Cro-Moly steel frames and fork, 27 speeds, SRAM X7 Shifters/parts package.
- Current Colors -Sunshine Yellow, Red, Blue.
- ‘Standard’ models come with bell, kickstand, rear rack, and fenders. (As seen in pics)

Kidz Tandems come in red, blue, yellow

Standard Version

Mountain Version

Kidz Tandem with Infant Seat Made for baby up front, behind, or both

Optional Quick Release Basket


Quick Release Stem Adjustment